Tag Archives: relationship

Why Do We Have Sex with Our Exes?

FYI: It’s a lot more common than you think!  Have you ever found yourself pining over your ex? Maybe you’re still getting over your break up, or perhaps you’re even repulsed by them, yet still you’re drawn to them in a strange way? Logically, that doesn’t really make sense, does it? But actually, there are [...]

10 Important Questions to Ask Yourself Before Starting a New Relationship

Being in a relationship is great, magical, firework-inducing, and life-changing. It can also be extremely difficult, challenging, and an opportunity to learn how to grow and compromise.  And so often, people jump into relationships before they’re mentally or spiritually ready. Others swing from one relationship to the next as a means to curb their loneliness [...]

Practice Sexual Self-Awareness & Be Rewarded with Greater Sex

Sexual experiences are not created equally. One can have passionate sex, angry sex, break-up sex, loving sex, or a zillion other kinds of sex.  And regardless of which kind you’re currently having, or wish to have in the future, there are certain things you can do to gain sexual self-awareness.  This, in turn, will help [...]

Does Married Sex Equal Boring Sex?

Whether you’re currently married, engaged, in a relationship, or single as heck, you are surely aware of that glorious phase called “the honeymoon”. This is when two partners have stars in their eyes, lusting over their significant other every single day.  And this period is not just about feeling those floating butterflies in one’s stomach [...]